
Problem D

Languages en is

Jörmunrekur has to move $n$ milliliters of water between two places. To do so he is intending to make a water tank. Since he is not particularly experienced with such matters he simply intends to glue together six plates, drill a hole and attach a handle. Because he’s not fond of rational numbers (and even less so of real numbers) he wants all interior side lengths to be an integral number of centimeters. Since he’s making a water box and not a water plate he doesn’t want any side length to be one centimeter. As a reminder one cubic centimeter is exactly one milliliter. To be able to attach the handle centrally he was wondering whether he could choose the side lengths such that two of them are equal. Can you help him out?


The input contains one integer $1 \leq n \leq 10^{18}$, the number of milliliters the tank should hold.


If it is possible to construct the tank with two side lengths equal print Gengur!. Otherwise print Vonlaust!.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2