-970 days 9:37:48
Assignment is over

Bonus Problems

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-970 days 9:37:48

Ends in

-942 days 21:37:48


2022-04-18 10:00 CEST


2022-05-15 22:00 CEST

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Bonus Problems


Name Average score Average tries Average tries for full score
A Pipe Rotation 400/34 (12) 5.67 7.25
B BASIC Interpreter 100/8 (12) 8.00 8.00
C Integer Lists 600/68 (9) 8.50 8.33
D King of Spades 0/0 (0) -- --
E Dropping Ball 0/1 (0) 1.00 --
F Almost Union-Find 400/52 (8) 13.00 13.00
G Battle of Pokenom 0/0 (0) -- --
H A Night To Remember 200/35 (6) 17.50 17.50
I NVWLS 0/0 (0) -- --
J Meow Factor 2 0/0 (0) -- --
K Entertainment Box 100/28 (4) 14.00 23.00
L Getting Rid of Coins 200/41 (5) 8.20 8.00
M Debugging 100/4 (25) 4.00 4.00
N Global Warming 100/5 (20) 5.00 5.00
O Mynstursmisskilningur 0/0 (0) -- --
P Hydrationsword Saga 0/3 (0) 3.00 --
Q Flygildaflug 0/0 (0) -- --
R Hola Íslenskra Fræða 0/0 (0) -- --
S Striker-Count 0/0 (0) -- --
T Flatland Olympics 0/0 (0) -- --
U Distinctive Character 0/4 (0) 4.00 --
V Tree Canopy Graphs 0/0 (0) -- --
W Húsatengingar 0/0 (0) -- --
X Völundarhús 0/0 (0) -- --
Y The King of the North 0/0 (0) -- --
Z Raging River 200/5 (40) 2.50 2.50