
Problem E
Lægð yfir landinu

Languages en is
Image from flickr.com

Oh boy, oh dear. Is there a low pressure system over the country or what?

Little Siggi is going mad over the terrible weather that has been ravaging the country as of late. He then learned it was the fault of all these damned low pressure systems, but low pressure systems form, as the name implies, when the area has a lower air pressure than the air around it.

Tomorrow he wants to go out to play, but is scared that there will be a low pressure system over the country. On vedur.is he finds a forecast which is divided into cells, with each cell showing the expected air pressure in that area tomorrow. Can you help Siggi check if the forecast for tomorrow contains any low pressure systems?

A cell on the foreceast is considered to be a low pressure syste if its pressure is lower than all four of its neighbours, below, above, left and to the right (not diagonally). Note that cells on the boundary of the forecast can’t contain a low pressure system since they do not have four neighbours.


The first line of the input contains two integers $n$ and $m$ ($3 \leq n,m \leq 50$), the number of rows and the number of columns of the forecast.

Then there are $n$ lines, one for each row, where each line contains $m$ integers, one for each column. Each integer denotes the air pressure in millibars in that cell and the values are in the interval from $1$ to $10^9$. The forecast will never contain two adjacent cells with the same air pressure.


Print Jebb if the forecast contains a low pressure system, otherwise print Neibb.







$n = 3$, $m = 3$



$n = 3$



No further constraints

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
3 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 4 6 3 5
1 2 3 4 5
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
6 5
10 12 10 16 14
12 14 15 17 15
13 15 18 18 16
13 15 19 18 17
10 14 16 15 10
10 12 20 13 10
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3
6 5
10 12 13 16 14
12 14 15 17 15
13 15 18 18 16
13 15 14 18 17
10 13 16 15 10
10 12 15 13 10