-111 days 19:18:27
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-111 days 19:18:27

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2024-09-01 17:00 CEST


2024-12-23 09:00 CET

Visit Results
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Name Average score Average tries Average tries for full score
A Öfugsnúið 700/13 (54) 1.86 1.86
B Besta gjöfin 600/9 (67) 1.50 1.50
C Bergur 300/10 (30) 2.50 2.67
D Square, but Not the Math Kind 300/9 (33) 3.00 3.00
E Lægð yfir landinu 200/2 (100) 1.00 1.00
F Guess the Number 200/11 (18) 3.67 4.00
G Toggi 200/24 (8) 12.00 12.00
H Bracket Matching 300/9 (33) 3.00 3.00
I Leiðangur 200/2 (100) 1.00 1.00
J Lyklagangriti 200/14 (14) 7.00 7.00
K Beach 300/3 (100) 1.00 1.00
L Welcome to Code Jam (Easy) 0/0 (0) -- --
M Lifting Walls 100/4 (25) 4.00 4.00
N Kaffi 0/2 (0) 2.00 --
O Star Wars röðun 0/0 (0) -- --
P Siggi sement 100/1 (100) 1.00 1.00
Q Minimum Scalar Product 0/0 (0) -- --
R Vinir 0/0 (0) -- --
S Drivers 0/0 (0) -- --
T Army Strength (Hard) 0/0 (0) -- --
U Coloring Socks 0/0 (0) -- --
V Birds on a Wire 100/1 (100) 1.00 1.00
W Firefly 0/0 (0) -- --
X Maximum Number of Colinear Points 0/0 (0) -- --
Y Knigs of the Forest 0/0 (0) -- --
Z Continuous Median 0/0 (0) -- --
AA Greeting Card 0/0 (0) -- --
AB Fundir 0/0 (0) -- --
AC Fylking hæða 0/0 (0) -- --
AD Kitten on a Tree 0/0 (0) -- --
AE Subway Tree System 0/0 (0) -- --
AF Pýramídasala 0/0 (0) -- --
AG Deduplicating Files 0/0 (0) -- --
AH Golf 0/0 (0) -- --
AI Pick up sticks 0/0 (0) -- --
AJ Brexit 0/0 (0) -- --
AK Fire 0/0 (0) -- --
AL Dominos 0/0 (0) -- --
AM Hópavinna 0/6 (0) 3.00 --
AN Longest path in a DAG 0/0 (0) -- --